A new cohort of schools begins the training series in the fall of each school year. Districts and schools interested in participating in the training series begin the planning and application process during the winter preceding their first year of training. Superintendents and principals are required to attend an informational session in order to begin the process of applying to participate in the following school-year’s cohort. It is strongly suggested that schools and districts spend nine months preparing for SWPBIS prior to attending the training. Interested schools and districts should contact Michelle Weaver at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. immediately to receive additional information about informational meetings, the application process, and anticipated openings in the next training cohort.
District commitment is required in order for schools to participate in the training series. District commitments include the assignment of a district coordinator and coach; the creation and maintenance of a district team; and full district roll-out of PBIS over a determined schedule of time. Individual schools must also determine if PBIS is a good fit for their school. Once a school obtains an 80% approval rate from faculty and staff and has administrative approval, the school may apply to join a training cohort.
For more information about the training series or the district and school commitments and readiness requirements to participate, please email Eben McKnight at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.