Evaluation and Forms Schedule (pdf)
Tier I/Universal Evaluations
Self-Assessment Survey
The Self-Assessment Survey is used by school staff for initial and annual assessment of effective behavior support systems in their school. The survey examines the status and need for improvement of four behavior support systems: (a) school-wide discipline systems, (b) non-classroom management systems (e.g., cafeteria, hallway, playground), (c) classroom management systems, and (d) systems for individual students engaging in chronic problem behaviors. Each question in the survey relates to one of the four systems. Schools implementing PBIS need to fill this out in April. This needs to be completed by ALL staff (including but not limited to; food service staff, paraprofessionals, custodians, office staff)
Team Implementation Checklist
The School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) is designed to assess and evaluate the critical features of school-wide effective behavior support across each academic school year. The SET results are used to:
- assess features that are in place.
- determine annual goals for school-wide effective behavior support,
- evaluate on-going efforts toward school-wide behavior support,
- design and revise procedures as needed, and
- compare efforts toward school-wide effective behavior support from year to year
Tier II and Tier III
Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
The Self-Assessment Survey is used by school staff for initial and annual assessment of effective behavior support systems in their school. The survey examines the status and need for improvement of four behavior support systems: (a) school-wide discipline systems, (b) non-classroom management systems (e.g., cafeteria, hallway, playground), (c) classroom management systems, and (d) systems for individual students engaging in chronic problem behaviors. Each question in the survey relates to one of the four systems. Schools implementing PBIS need to fill this out in April. This needs to be completed by ALL staff (including but not limited to; food service staff, paraprofessionals, custodians, office staff).
Team Implementation Checklist
This checklist is designed to be completed by the PBIS Team once a quarter to monitor activities for implementation of PBIS in a school. The team should complete the Action Plan at the same time to track items that are In Progress or Not Yet Started items. PBIS teams fill out the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) as a team in October, December, February, April, and June.
Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ)
Benchmarks of Quality (Revised) for School-wide Positive Behavior Support should be completed at least annually by each school. The Benchmarks are used by teams to identify areas of success, areas for improvement, and by districts and states to guide training and technical assistance and to identify model/exemplar schools.
School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET)
The School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) is designed to assess and evaluate the critical features of school-wide effective behavior support across each academic school year. The SET results are used to:
- assess features that are in place,
- determine annual goals for school-wide effective behavior support,
- evaluate on-going efforts toward school-wide behavior support,
- design and revise procedures as needed, and
- compare efforts toward school-wide effective behavior support from year to year.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory
The TFI measure the extent to which school personnel apply the core features of SWPBIS at all three tiers – either individually or collectively. Schools may take the TFI as:
- An initial assessment to determine if they are using, or need, SWPBIS
- A guide for implementation of Tier I, Tier II, and/or Tier III practices
- An index of sustained SWPBIS implementation
- A metric for identifying schools for recognition within their state implementation efforts